How to Use a Bucket List to Plan Your Dream Retirement

Yes! I’ve managed a full week in Devon without having to visit my parents in Essex. I’ve relished staying put and being a proper homebird. And yes, I’m been quite productive. Here’s what I’ve been up within a ten mile…
IF you’d have told me a few years ago that I’d embrace allotment life I would have laughed my socks off. For one I didn’t think that I was green fingered at all. I had strong evidence for this given…
I’m a big fan of Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg, an American behavioural scientist. I can honestly say that it’s one of those few books that have changed my life. When I first read it I was still working but…
Yes it’s been another few days of to-ing and fro-ing between Essex and Devon. Fingers crossed that it’s over soon although our solicitors say that my parent’s move is unlikely to be before Christmas. What do those anonymous bureaucrats get…
You’ll probably have a bit of time between deciding to retire and actually taking the plunge. For me and my partner Paul, that period was relatively short, about seven months. I’d worked out that we’d have enough to live on…
I received a rather reasonable lump sum upon my retirement that I could have frittered away on luxurious holidays and posh shoes. However that didn’t happen. Instead I was a good girl and used most of it to generate an…
How is everyone doing? I started this week in Southend-on-Sea with no set date to return home. It’s been good lesson in taking one day at a time. As well as looking after Mum and Dad and doing chores related…
I was pretty much the dunce of the art class at school. Paint and water has a tendency to spill and being as clumsy as it comes I was always ruining my work. By staying away from liquids however I’ve…