I’m Julie, also known as Lovely Grey. I was born in London but grew up in Essex, where I acquired the strong estuarine accent that’s never completely gone away. At eighteen, I moved to Devon for university, drawn by its beauty. Afterwards many of my friends headed to the capital to chase their dreams but I chose to stay put in the South West. I’m still here four decades later in a home a stone’s throw from the sea with my partner, Paul. Our son Louis and his girlfriend are our lodgers in the loft. They returned to the nest to save for a home of their own. It looks like we might have them around for a wee bit longer!
I initially trained as a tax consultant and financial planner before shifting to a career as an occupational therapist. Throughout my work life journey, I’ve picked up a diverse set of skills that have served me well in my life outside work.
The year 2021 was a pivotal one for both Paul and me. We had both recently switched jobs. I had begun my Master’s studies, and was focused on advancing my career. Paul was travelling all over the country in a technical manager role. The pressure was on. Both of us fell ill, so we were forced to re-evaluate our lives.
My inner voice urged me to change direction. I had ignored it so often in the past, sometimes with negative results. This time I decided to act on its advice. With ten years until I reached State Pension age and only enough savings to last for five, I took the leap and left work Yikes! Paul also made a bold move, selling his house in Somerset and retiring from his own demanding job.
Let’s just say we don’t regret our decision at all. Happily we’re healing from the physical and emotional toll of our working lives. We’ve also freed up time to support others when they need us. For me, looking after my parents in Essex, long distance and in person, has become a significant part of my life.
There’s still time to revisit old interests: crafting, writing, sea swimming, cycling, cooking. and foraging. I’ve also discovered that growing food on our allotments, not only saves money, but is a pleasure. We take frequent trips away in our ageing motorhome. Gradually we’re renovating our home and loads by doing the work ourselves. I’m carving out a spiritual path for myself through study and meditation. I am a Course in Miracles student.
My plans to transform my mosaicking hobby into a business are on hold now because of my caring responsibilities. However I’m sharing one of my designs on this page. It draws inspiration from the Japanese art of Kintsugi where broken objects take on a more beautiful form after being mended with gold. To me this seems like the perfect metaphor for the transformation that’s occurring in every aspect of my life.
I’ve created this space to share what my repurposed life looks like. I know that many of you too are dreaming of retiring well before state retirement age. So I’ll also be drawing on my healthcare and financial expertise to share insights on how you can plan for life after your own last day in the office. Alternatively you may have already given up work. If you’re unsure about your next steps I may well have you covered.
You can expect weekly updates about what I’m up to. along with posts on topics such as financial management, health and well-being, caring, unleashing creativity, and cultivating a fulfilling lifestyle. I’ll provide inspiration on achieving a lot on a limited budget. While our own income may be lower than when we were employed, let me assure you that we never feel deprived.